About Us

The Mission of Sniper Pro Shop / High Ground Training Group is to provide the best possible training experience in Police Special Operations Firearms and Instructor Level Training.  By continuing to apply innovation to the craft of tactical firearms training, we will press forward to be a forerunner in providing solid contemporary training to armed professionals. Our mission is to ensure that our students truly “Dominate the High Ground.”

Sniper Pro Shop


Denny R. Elliott,  SPS CEO,  HGTG Instructor

Denny Elliott Bio 2021



SPS Officers

Carolyn M. Clark and

Denny Elliott,


Carolyn M. Clark

SPS Chief Operations Officer


High Ground Training Group Staff


Dave Keenom  HGTG Instructor




Dave S. HGTG Instructor

2022 bio Dave S..docx




George B., HGTG Instructor

George Bio 23



Andrew H.,  HGTG Instructor

Andrew H BIO




Dan C., HGTG Instructor

Dan C, bio

Dan C website bio

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