After our friends at Bear Aid dropped their sniper template from production, we began looking for a substitute and we found that there was none. Last year we started working on a design and came up with a pocket-sized 4″x 2.5″ template design that contains the most used/needed items that a logbook template should have. After several months of working with designers and manufacturers, we are proud to release the SPS Sniper Logbook Template . With 9 tools and several unique features, this sniper logbook template will be the new standard for logbook data collection. Our template is designed as the perfect companion for our logbook, but will also work with other logbooks that require the sniper to diagram targets. It is available in the SPS Gear Store page at
Back at SPS HQ after a 16 day training mission to Utah for Level I and Level II Sniper courses. Thanks to LT Dave J. at the Central Utah Correctional Facility in Gunnison, UT along with his crack CIRT team for hosting. CUCF took great care of staff and trainees providing support and even lunch daily! The class was a total success with all participants successfully completing the course. Also thanks to SGT Keith Jensen of the Sanpete Co. S.O. for assisting with the class on the ground.
The following week we were at Price, UT at the North Springs Shooting Complex where we completed a Level II Sniper course with operators from across the region. Thanks to SGT Dan C. and Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake for sponsoring and helping with the course on the ground. Already looking forward to going back to Utah in 2022!
Members of the Juneau, AK Police Department SWAT Team completed the SWAT Operator I Course last week in Juneau. We were fortunate to get to work with a top notch group of operators who displayed a great work ethic and willingness to push to their limits.
Thanks to JPD for the trust and opportunity and thanks to HGTG Guest Adjunct Dan C. for making the trek from Utah to work with me on the course.
Our latest Vimeo video shows some highlights from our SOST Program.
Our Special Operations Sustainment Training program allows us to work with client agencies, SWAT teams and Sniper Sections to customize an existing course or build a custom training event for the client to meet their training needs.
We have completed the three week training tour in East Tennessee in April and May. We completed an S.O.S.T. class in Sullivan County, 26-30 April. The class – Fugitive Apprehension Specialist Training – was conducted for the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office Fugitive Apprehension and SWAT Teams.
During the weeks of 3-7 & 10-14 May 2021 we completed two weeks of Level I Sniper training with the Johnson City Police Department. 25 operators from Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and Alabama attended these courses. We are excited to be working with JCPD at their fantastic Rick Collins Training Complex. These classes mark our 20th year of providing training to Snipers and other armed professionals.
Denny with Guest & Host Cadre. These guys did a great job making this course happen.
SPS/HGTG completed an LE Firearms Instructor Course in Cookeville, TN the week of 5-9 April. 12 officers from 4 agencies attended the class and all successfully completed the course. Thanks to our host, Cookeville Police Department for bringing us back to the Tennessee Cumberland Plateau!
We completed the LE Designated Marksman course this week in Linden, TN, hosted by the Perry Co. Sheriff’s Office. 10 LEOs from 2 states attended the 4-day, 32-hour course.
This unique program trains patrol level officers to effectively utilize the LE Special Purpose Rifle to effectively engage threats at short to intermediate ranges. The use of the LEDM increases accuracy and potentially lessens the amount of rounds fired in an engagement with a dangerous criminal. Congratulations to the officers attending.
Congratulations to the members of LERI Class #12 who successfully completed the course on Friday, 12 March.
Thanks to the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office for hosting and Chattanooga P.D. and HCSO for the great range facility. The class represented 6 agencies from 2 states and the U.S. Military and they all represented their respective agencies and units well.
Three members of the class had previously completed the LE Firearms Instructor Course and were awarded their Calibre II LE Firearms Instructor Certifications from HGTG! Congrats to Brad F., Marie K., and Mickey R.!
As a Defense Contractor serving clients from the US Military to Federal, State and Local agencies nationwide, we have found it necessary to provide a statement of policy on the use of social media for the company.
Sniper Pro Shop is a GSA Schedule Defense Contractor providing training services to government entities. As such, Sniper Pro Shop has always held and shall continue to maintain an apolitical stance.
High Ground Training Group is made up of select contractors with experience and expertise in various areas of training provided by SPS and perform services on an assignment basis.
SPS is the sole owner of the HGTG name and all associated logos, trademarks and emblems.
SPS maintains website and social media accounts for professional and business communications to clients and customers utilizing both the SPS and HGTG names and logos.
SPS/HGTG supports the right to free speech, but we believe that this speech should be tempered with wisdom and supported by truth. Free speech is not just a right, it is a responsibility; a responsibility that includes ensuring that posts are true and sources of information vetted.
SPS/HGTG does not condone, support or assume responsibility for any fallacious, misleading or extreme partisan social media posts made by any HGTG contractor on their personal social media accounts.
January 2021! We are in full production in the SPS shop. Watch our gear shop page to catch new updates and restocks on SPS Gear.
Going forward, all SPS Sales and Coupons will be only posted on our Instagram page. it is @sniperproshop so be sure to follow us to see what we are up to and catch the latest updates, sales and coupons.
Our spring 2021 schedule is getting crowded but we still have limited dates for late spring and are now setting up the Fall Schedule. We are still accepting requests for SOST classes for Late Spring and Summer. Contact us for information or hosting opportunities.
Providing Training and Support for Professional Operators since 2002