If your agency is using Tikka Rifles for Sniper Weapon Systems, contact us by email for the full bulletin. We will only provide this information to agencies or LE Snipers who are deploying Tikka rifles as Sniper Weapons Systems.
Note: SPS/HGTG provides no endorsements, paid or otherwise for weapons or products. Our experience with Tikka Rifles during sniper training courses has been positive. We rely on feedback from the operators in the field for issues and problems and seek to find answers through the network of our clients and associates.
UPDATE 10 August 2023
As of now, we have had no more notices of this anomaly in the Tikka weapon system. As indicated earlier, we have several clients using this weapon system and we regularly see them in Sniper Courses. We have not directly experienced any new failures with them. Please advise us if you experience any issues with the weapons so we can update the community.